Description: Favored Indie, Dreampop, Shoegaze music recommender and catalogizer project
Homepage: |
About: Favored Indie, Dream Pop, Shoegaze music recommender and catalogizer project. Collection of interesting, special songs, videoclips that give good atmosphere, joy, inspiration. A selection from favorite Indie Pop, Indie Rock, Alternative Rock, Dream Pop, Shoegaze style songs. Best songs from self-made compilation albums. Selections from free-to-share, public content of video and music portals.
Description: Adventurer, Kentucky and beyond. 4K movie collector, music lover, and disc golfer. Info tech for work. Celebrate diversity! For those federating, this is my Hubzilla account.
Location: Kentucky, USA
Description: I'm an EFL teacher from Abrantes, Portugal.
Age: 55
Location: Portugal
Hometown: Abrantes
About: Olá!

Eu sou português, casado com uma mulher adorável, Isabel, pai de duas lindas raparigas, Beatriz e Daniela, e sou professor de Inglês.

Gosto de muitas coisas, como podem ver na minha lista de etiquetas.



I'm Portuguese, married to a lovely lady, Isabel, father of two beautiful girls, Beatriz and Daniela, and I'm an EFL teacher.

I'm into many things, as you can see in my tag list.
Description: The Chillout Zone Massive Hungary / MTV's Chill Out Zone - Hungarian Fan Page / Music recommender project
Homepage: | | |
About: The Chillout Zone Massive Hungary | Favored Tunes Project | MTV's Chill Out Zone - Hungarian Fan Page

- Info - English: Music recommender and catalogizer project. Archive of interesting, special songs, videoclips that give good atmosphere, joy, inspiration. Selections from favorite songs. Best songs from self-made compilation albums. Selections from free-to-share, public content of video and music portals. We offer mostly demanding, not so mainstream music.

- Info - Hungarian: Zeneajánló, zenekatalogizáló projekt. Jó hangulatot teremtő, inspiráló, érdekes, különleges zenék és videoklipek archívuma. Válogatás kedvenc számokból és saját készítésű válogatásalbumok számaiból, videó- és zenemegosztó portálok szabadon megosztható, nyilvános tartalmaiból. Főként igényes, nem annyira mainstream zenéket ajánlunk.
Location: Россия
About: "I'm up to no good"
Description: "We have art in order not to die of the truth."
Location: Portugal
Hometown: /home
About: "One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."
"We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving."
"Without music, life would be a mistake."
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
“In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Description: Electronic and Chill Out music recommender and catalogizer project | Fresh and featured music on channel: The Chillout Zone Massive
Homepage: |
About: Collection of chill out style electronic music and video clips. MTV's Chill Out Zone archive in memory of the former Music TV show, and sharing videos of the online broadcast launched in 2020. A selection from favorite ChillOut style songs. Best songs from self-made compilation albums. Selections from free-to-share, public content of video and music portals.
Description: Electronic music recommender and catalogizer project
Homepage: |
About: Electronic music recommender and catalogizer project. Collection of interesting, special songs, videoclips that give good atmosphere, joy, inspiration. A selection from favorite Electronic style songs. Best songs from self-made compilation albums. Selections from free-to-share, public content of video and music portals. We offer mostly demanding, not so mainstream electronic music.
Description: Database Admin / Pool Player / Music Collector
Age: 51
Location: Netherlands
About: Aleatory, stochastic and environment-driven sound collage. Experimental tone-works. Deep listening and sound installations.
Age: 43
Location: Russia
Hometown: Moscow
Description: Always playing. Non-stop. The music. The Music Stream.
Age: 6
Keywords: music, musica, musique, muziek, musik
Description: music music music