Description: What is Social Media anyway?
About: I'm a weird little queer ADHD gremlin who's good at science and confusing straight bigots. I like making things, fixing things, learning things, and eating things. Currently I'm doing things like learning several languages, using an old letterpress printer I restored, sewing, fiber-arting, writing, papercrafting, and telling myself I do not need to take up more hobbies like bookbinding. Also I have a little garden on the miniscule balcony of my apartment, two cats, and a flatmate.
Description: I make software
Age: 24
Location: Kerala, India
Hometown: Thrissur
About: I love to make software
Description: Meine Interessen sind: #Linux, #Internet, #Fediverse, #ITSec, #InfoSec, #Datenschutz, #RaspberryPi, #PiHole, #Opensource, #FOSS, #SelfHosting, #FreiesInternet
Description: I'm an EFL teacher from Abrantes, Portugal.
Age: 55
Location: Portugal
Hometown: Abrantes
About: Olá!

Eu sou português, casado com uma mulher adorável, Isabel, pai de duas lindas raparigas, Beatriz e Daniela, e sou professor de Inglês.

Gosto de muitas coisas, como podem ver na minha lista de etiquetas.



I'm Portuguese, married to a lovely lady, Isabel, father of two beautiful girls, Beatriz and Daniela, and I'm an EFL teacher.

I'm into many things, as you can see in my tag list.
Description: Educational developer
Location: Florida, United States
Keywords: edtech, opensource
Description: Slackware, OpenBSD, and a bit of a Debiantard.
Location: SuperSunnySouthernCalifornia, United States
Hometown: Torrance
About: Business Internet and Telephony since 1985.

FOSS and Privacy Advocate - Enterprise Cloud
Description: Group
Location: United States
About: Discussion group for pioneers and enthusiasts of the decentralized web. Common interests include P2P wireless mesh infrastructure and P2P protocols such as