Homepage: https://www.litres.ru/aleksey-polikovskiy/ http://franceska.su
Local Directory
Description: lo spazio della mia mente/corpo
Age: 58
Homepage: https://www.inventati.org/noviglob/index.html
Keywords: gnu, occupy, free, gardening, weaving, Agricoltura, Alberi, Alimentazione, Antiproibizionismo, Architettura, art, Arte, Artigianato, Autogestione, Autonomia, Autoproduzione, Autorganizzazione, Autosufficenza, Biciclette, Biodiversità, Bioregionalismo, books, Casa, Decrescita, Ecologia, Educazione, Emacs, Friendica, Giardini, knitting, Lana, Libri, Lugo, Luoghi, Maglia, Materiali, MicrobiotaUmano, Milano, MondoVegetale, Musica, org-mode, Orti, Partecipazione, Postporno, Radio, Red, Rete, Ricette, Riscaldamento, Salute, Scuola, Sessualità, Tessitura, textile, Wabisabi
Age: 58
Description: Aktuelle Dynamik, Turbulenzen, Verwerfungen gezielt dafür nutzen, um in der _zwangsweise_ _neu_ zu strukturierenden Kommunikation die dezentralen Netzwerke zu etablieren
Keywords: Social, Media, Manager, Weiterbildung, Qualifizierung, Training, Bildung, Seminar, Webinar, Soziale, Netzwerke, Kommunikation
About: Das Medienkompetenz-Akademie Forum ist eine Initiative, die das Ziel hat, die Etablierung von dezentralen Netzwerken in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen zu fördern
Description: This is a channel/forum for users support - not admins questions
About: This forum was created to help hubzilla users in relation to various issues regarding users' use of hubzilla. Questions related to the administrative part must be done in other forums. Thanks for understanding.
Obviously new users are welcome, but also the old ones ;-)
Obviously new users are welcome, but also the old ones ;-)
Age: 64
Location: Ohio, USA
Hometown: Beachwood
About: I’m a Torah-observant Jew living in an affluent suburb of Cleveland. I live among my people. This is good, but sometimes inconvenient (like if I leave the light on in the refrigerator on the Sabbath). My faith is a huge part of my life. I share about it - a lot, customarily. I have a wife and four children, all of whom I love very, very much.
I’m kind of pompous sometimes. When I was taking my MBA, my cohort accused me of making up words. They called it “Philbonics.” I just have a broad vocabulary.
Some consider me amusing, and some compliment my singing voice. This makes me somewhat uncomfortable because I worry about Karma (or the Jewish equivalent, really).
I’m kind of pompous sometimes. When I was taking my MBA, my cohort accused me of making up words. They called it “Philbonics.” I just have a broad vocabulary.
Some consider me amusing, and some compliment my singing voice. This makes me somewhat uncomfortable because I worry about Karma (or the Jewish equivalent, really).
Description: Main Account
Location: Netherlands
Keywords: Astrophotography, Classic_Cars, ClassicCars, CSS, Design, Drawing, Dutch, Graphic_Design, GraphicDesign, HTML, Music, Natural_Stone, Nederland, Nederlands, Python, Stone, Stone_Design, Webdesign
Location: London, United Kingdom
Hometown: London
Keywords: photography, musicproduction, videoproduction, technology, science, medicine, health, environment
About: I am an amateur photographer, musician, trained psychotherapist, computer programmer, writer, and more.
Description: Virtual Worlds meeting point @ Hubzilla
Age: 6
Location: Fediverse, Hubzilla
Hometown: Zotum.net
Keywords: opensim, opensimulator, secondlife, sl, os, hypergrid, digiworldz, discoverygrid, metropolismetaversum, avatar, infiniti, infinitigrid, kitely, multiverse, metaverse
About: Gather the Google+ users of the Virtual Worlds