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Full Name:
Andreyōs Marlowe
Sexual Preference:
Computer Scientist. Psychonaut. AnNhi with Agorist economical tendencies. Chaos Magician. Audiophile. Antinatalist. FOSS enthusiast. INTP.

I like playing D&D, V:tM and World of Darkness; emulated retro games and sometimes League of Legends or some shooter on mobile. I'm always up to recommendations.

I love the smell of old books, but let's be practical, PDFs and EPUBs are more convenient. I can't have all the books I'm reading in my pocket.

I don't support causes others than mine; not being a piece of shite with my fellow sapiens is enough for me.

If I'm not here I'm probably reading, playing guitar or trying to sing in tune. I'm always listening to music.

"The prince is never going to come. Everyone knows that; and maybe sleeping beauty's dead" - Anne Rice 🥀