Description: H.A.T.E. ''''''Human Artificial Textual Expressions''''' All problems and conflicts on Planet Earth narrowed down to Six simplified Major ones. Simplifying problems leads to simple solution
Age: 46
Location: Earth
About: H.A.T.E.
''''''Human Artificial Textual Expressions'''''

All problems and conflicts on Planet Earth narrowed down
to Six simplified Major ones.
Simplifying problems leads to simple solutions.

<<<<<[][][1][][]>>>>> ..... <<<<<[][][2][][]>>>>>
<<<<<[][][3][][]>>>>> ..... <<<<<[][][4][][]>>>>>
<<<<<[][][5][][]>>>>> ..... <<<<<[][][6][][]>>>>>
Description: My personal semi-private channel. Public posts are often about Hubzilla and the Fediverse or comments on human rights and climate change.
Location: Sweden
Homepage: alt.